Short Story Review

Title : The Golden Touch

Writer : Ovid

Date of the story written : Around 8 AD

Pro and Contrast : 

Pros : King Midas's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the importance of appreciating non-material values in life. It highlights the profound impact of our desires on our relationships and well-being. The narrative vividly illustrates the transformation from avarice to regret, ultimately leading to a moment of self-realization and change.

Cons : The story also portrays the negative consequences of unchecked ambition, emphasizing the potential harm that can result from prioritizing material wealth above all else. It demonstrates the potential for irreversible damage caused by greed, as seen in the tragic transformation of King Midas's daughter, Marigold, into gold. The story serves as a stark reminder of the need for balance and perspective in one's pursuit of success and wealth.

My comment about the short story : Overall, this story is about King Midas, who was never satisfied with his wealth. He always sought more, until he finally got what he wanted, the power of the golden touch, allowing him to turn everything into gold. However, this came at a cost. He couldn't eat because when he touched his food, it turned to gold. Even his daughter became a golden statue because of his power. Fortunately, everything returned to normal when the Greek gods took back Midas's power, ask Midas to make some kind of pond and then use that water to make his daughter become a normal human again. happy ending

This story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked greed. His insatiable desire for wealth and the power of the golden touch lead to his ultimate despair. The narrative highlights how his pursuit of more and more gold caused him to lose touch with his humanity, even turning his own daughter into a golden statue. This fable underscores the timeless lesson that material wealth should never come at the cost of our loved ones and our moral values. King Midas' redemption through humility and repentance teaches us the importance of self-reflection and the willingness to correct our mistakes.

But there's some plot hole in this story like why the Greek god willing to granted King Midas wishes so easily? and if Midas know that he has the power of golden touch why he didn't hesitates when his daughter approaches him? But yeah, it's a fiction so we don't need to take it so seriously. 

But overall, this story is good for a story that written 2000 years ago, especially for children to teach them to not to be greedy 


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