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Tourism spot review

The ruin and the scenery The ruin of Kunir Sugar Factory, Ngunut "Kunir" factory, okay first of all let me get this straight, it’s not a factory for the production of turmeric. It is a sugar factory or it used to be because this place is a ruin now. It is located in Ngunut, Tulungagung. According to some journals, it was built in 1929 and opened for business in 1930. This factory produced a significant amount of sugar at that time, but unfortunately, it stood at an inopportune moment. In 1929, "the great depression" occurred, causing the prices of several goods to decline, and the factory had to close. It briefly reopened in 1937, but eventually was destroyed by independence fighters in 1949, and now only its ruins remain. Now, this place has become a great spot for historical and mystical tourism, or even just for taking photos. Access is quite easy and it's completely free. The atmosphere here is quite cool, especially because there are still vast sugarcane pl

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